
傅雲欽 2014.12.05


 ▲ 《聖母抱耶穌》雕像

美國攝影家尤金・史密斯(W. Eugene Smith1971年在日本拍攝的照片《母親抱智子洗澡》(Tomoko and Mother in the Bath)是一張關於工業污染的名作。那張照片描寫一個名叫植村涼子(Ryoko Uemura的母親抱著得到水俁病而身體畸形的女兒植村智子(Tomoko Uemura在傳統日式的澡盆洗澡的照片。水俁病是一種汞中毒。工廠排放含汞的廢水到海裡,污染了海裡的魚。病人吃了被汞污染的魚而得病。其症狀是神經系統受損,造成運動、視覺、聽覺、言語及智力方面的障礙。

Russell Miller寫的Magnum: Fifty Years at the Front Line of History中譯《揹相機的革命家》)提到尤金・史密斯的這張母親抱孩子的照片像米開朗基羅那一件描繪聖母馬利亞坐著抱耶穌遺體的《聖母抱耶穌》雕像(中譯本第213頁)。這個看法值得討論一下。

米開朗基羅的《聖母抱耶穌》雕像描寫的可能不是事實。第一,聖經的四篇記載耶穌生平的福音書中,寫作完成在先的「馬太福音」、「馬可福音」及「路加福音」都沒提到耶穌被釘十字架時,他的母親馬利亞在場,只有寫作完成最晚的「約翰福音」說馬利亞在場(約翰 19:25)。不過,「約翰福音」也沒說馬利亞全程在場。它記載,耶穌斷氣之前,見母親和他所愛的那門徒站在旁邊,就對他母親說:「母親,看,你的兒子!」又對那門徒說:「看,你的母親!」從此,那門徒就接她到自己家裏去了(約翰 19:26-27)。可見馬利亞在耶穌斷氣之前就離開現場了。

再者,如果馬利亞在耶穌斷氣被解下十字架之後,曾坐著把耶穌抱在大腿上,那為耶穌收屍並處理後事的人應是馬利亞才對。但四篇福音書記載為耶穌收屍並處理後事的人不是馬利亞,而是一個名叫約瑟的信徒(馬太27:57-58、馬可15:43-45、路加 23:50-52、約翰 19:38)。而且,耶穌遺體被放入墳室安葬之後到第三日復活昇天,馬利亞也都沒來探視。







● 相關拙作

四本福音書合編 2010.06.26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath is a photograph taken by American photojournalist W. Eugene Smith in 1971. Many commentators regard Tomoko as Smith's greatest work. The black-and-white photo depicts a mother cradling her severely deformed, naked daughter in a traditional Japanese bathroom. The mother, Ryoko Uemura, agreed to deliberately pose the startlingly intimate photograph with Smith to illustrate the terrible effects of Minamata disease (a type of mercury poisoning) on the body and mind of her daughter Tomoko. Upon publication the photo became world famous, significantly raising the international profile of Minamata disease and the struggle of the victims for recognition and compensation. At the wishes of Tomoko Uemura's family, the photograph was withdrawn from further publication in 1997, 20 years after Tomoko's death.

Alternate names given for the photograph include: Tomoko in the Bath, Tomoko and Mother in the Bath and Tomoko is Bathed by her Mother.


W. Eugene Smith and his wife Aileen Smith lived in Minamata from 1971 to 1973, with the specific aim of bringing Minamata disease to public attention. During those three years Smith took thousands of photographs, leading to the production of numerous magazine articles, exhibitions and a book. Smith realised that a single, striking photograph was required to become a symbol of Minamata disease. In Smith's own words, "It grew and grew in my mind that to me the symbol of Minamata was, finally, a picture of this woman [the mother], and the child, Tomoko. One day I simply said […] let us try to make that symbolic picture".

Tomoko's parents allowed Smith to photograph their daughter's body, in the hope that it might draw attention to the plight of similar families in Minamata and other pollution victims all over the world. Ryoko Uemura was keen for the photograph to portray her daughter in a sympathetic manner and actively collaborated with Smith to stage the perfect shot. Jim Hughes, (a biographer) said of Smith, "Although he wanted a photograph that would clearly show Tomoko's deformed body, Gene told me it was Ryoko Uemura, the mother, who suggested the bathing chamber". The photograph was finally taken on a chilly afternoon in December 1971, with Ryoko, Tomoko, Smith and his wife Aileen all cramped into the small bathing room.

Publication and impact

The photograph was first published in the June 2, 1972, edition of Life magazine as the centrepiece of a short Minamata photo essay. This was expanded into book form featuring the full series of photographs taken by Smith during his stay in Minamata. The issue of Minamata disease and the plights of the victims was brought to worldwide attention by this photo essay and book.

The striking nature of the photograph ensured that it became world famous very quickly. The Uemura family found themselves under a media spotlight. Tomoko's father, Yoshio Uemura said, "We were faced with an increasing number of interviews. Thinking that it would aid the struggle for the eradication of pollution, we agreed to interviews and photographs while the organizations that were working on our behalf used the photograph of Tomoko frequently". However the increased attention was not without its drawbacks. Rumors began to circulate in the Minamata community that the Uemuras were benefiting financially from the publicity. Some local people (who relied on the polluting Chisso Corporation for their livelihoods) were fiercely opposed to the Minamata disease victims' struggle for compensation. All these pressures added up significantly for the Uemura family. "I do not think," Yoshio Uemura stated, "that anybody outside our family can begin to imagine how unbearable the persistent rumors made our daily lives... Although she could not speak herself, I am sure that Tomoko felt that her family were worried for her".[2]

Tomoko Uemura died in 1977 at the age of 21.





聖經 有關耶穌死亡前後在場的婦女

約翰 19:25
站在耶穌十字架旁邊的,有他母親他母親的姊妹(傅註:指撒羅米Salome,即西庇太Zebedee的妻子,亦即使徒雅各James [大雅各James the Great] 和約翰John的母親),並革羅罷的妻子馬利亞(傅註:Mary the wife of Cleophas / Clopas。即使徒雅各James [小雅各James the Less] 和約西Joses 的母親。革羅罷Cleophas / Clopas,希臘文稱亞勒腓Alphaeus,是耶穌的伯叔。),和抹大拉的馬利亞(傅註:Mary Magdalene

約翰 19:26

約翰 19:27


馬太 27:55

馬太 27:56

馬可 15:40

馬可 15:41


馬太 27:61

路加 23:55

馬可 15:47


馬太 28:1

馬可 16:1

馬可 16:2

馬可 16:3

路加 24:1

約翰 20:1
路加 24:10